About Us
Berea Nurses Institute offers a comprehensive range of services to support the Healthcare Industry and Profession including recruitment, the supply of permanent and temporary staff to the Healthcare community, training, workshops and pre- and post-assessment of staff.
Berea Nurses Institute has a trusted, reliable an loyal workforce which indicates reliable services to the market. Clinical assessment by a qualified Clinical Facilitator and continuous in-service training have contributed to the positive attitude of the assignees in the workplace and improvement on clinically identified gaps.
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Management Team
Excellence in everything we do
Focused on You
Berea Nurses Institute offers a comprehensive range of services to support the Healthcare Profession, including recruitment, supply of permanent and temporary staff to hospitals, clinics, retirement villages, old age homes and government healthcare related institutions. We further provide in-service training to our staff as well as prospective staff, workshops and pre- and post-assessment of staff.
Services We Provide
Would you like to know more about our prefessional services?
Learn more about our comprehensive range of services in the healthcare profession, visit our services page.